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Understand and impact markets

Access the deepest open-source market insights available for an unrivalled understanding of the defence industry’s direction of travel.

Global oversight, unique insight

The present

Understand the drivers, policies, and procedures impacting today’s global defence industry.

The future

Access forecast, budget, and programme data to understand future military capability.

The actors

Form an unbiased view of the customers, capabilities, and market share of leading defence organisations.

Today's markets define tomorrow's battlefields

Understand tomorrow's threats, capabilities, and developments by accessing verified, trusted data on budgets, forecasts, and production to answer pressing questions including:

  • How large will the inventory of combat aircraft with a range of over 3,000 nautical miles in a chosen country by 2030?
  • Which countries using US land platforms will be in the market for new or upgraded APCs within the next decade?
  • How will the radar capabilities of a chosen country develop over the next five years?
Janes Market Forecast
Serving the Defence Industry

Complete strategic views over global spending and developments

Today's spending reveals tomorrow's military threats and defence requirements. Ensure your analysts are prepared with in-depth detail ahead of formal announcements thanks to:

  • Detailed market reports for 90 countries
  • Global defence budget data and analysis for 107 countries
  • 20+ years of programme-level procurement and upgrade data
  • 10-year defence market forecasts

Deep insights into the global defence industry

Access interconnected data across customers, equipment, and organisations to answer key global defence questions including:

  • Where are component suppliers for key pieces of equipment in a given country?
  • What is the total value of opportunities that a chosen company is likely to bid on in a particular location?
  • Who is producing what military equipment - and who are they selling it to?
Janes Companies Equipment Defense Procurement

What we do

Improving global security begins with trusted intelligence

Access the world's most complete foundational military data asset and integrate 100 million connections across defence and security data points into your high- and low-side environments and systems.